A small figurine of an oktokata in the center, in the background a laptop with an open code editor and a terminal.
Roman Synkevych

Github repositories for podcast app and website developers

· First published · By · 2.1 minutes to read

From badges to user agents, there are a lot of regularly updated community Github repos and data feeds out there. Here are just some of them.

Podcast Platform Links

Ideally, each podcast platform would make it easy to link to a specific show (or episode). But, they don’t. This contains documentation on how to link to individual shows, and episodes, on podcast apps and players across the web.

Podcast Badges

Vector icons and badges for major podcast platforms. The icons are styled similarly as a ‘squircle’; the badges look similar to Apple’s iconic design.


A JSON list of podcast hosting companies, with patterns and URL links. This data is used, for example, on Podnews’s podcast pages to highlight the podcast host; and by Livewire to measure overall episode share.


A JSON list of podcast prefixes, used by analytics companies. This data is used, for example, on Podnews’s podcast pages to highlight who tracks individual podcasts; and by Livewire to measure overall share.

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A comprehensive open-source collection of broadly-compatible regular expression patterns to identify and analyze podcast player user agents. This is used by different podcast hosting companies for platform analytics.


User agents for RSS scrapers. Podnews uses this to dynamically alter our RSS feed for certain podcast platforms.

Podcast Index

The Podcast Index contains a full API for developers wishing to make their own podcast app. It has a full set of helpful API endpoints. Sign up for an API key here.


Numerology lists for value4value boosts - for example, 2112 is a “Rush Boost”, after the album title.


A list of regex patterns for common private and member-only podcast feed urls. This list is meant for publishers of those feeds to be able to list their patterns so that public directories and aggregators can test against them when accepting new feeds for listing.

Podcast Taxonomy

A JSON version of the Podcast Taxonomy, data standardising creative titles for podcast work. Also available in French and German (by changing -en to -fr and -de respectively).

Service slugs

Service slugs for consistently referring to podcast players.

modern podcast services

A JSON list of modern podcast services (those that support at least one Podcasting 2.0 feature).

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