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Up For A Chat

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Up For A Chat

 4.7 via 369 ratings in Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Data: Rephonic
A self improvement podcast from The Wellness Couch

Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall when two international speakers, best-selling authors and celebrated business women get together and have a chat discussing issues on health, wellbeing, relationships and mindset? Well here’s your chance to hear a duo of professional specialists working with the guys on the Wellness Couch - and they’re up for a chat! These girls are about challenging the norm and challenging traditions.

Wellness nutritionist extraordinaire Cyndi O’Meara and wellness health and lifestyle educator Kim Morrison believe tapping into one’s innate intelligence and using a common sense approach is what makes positive change. They are your professional reminders teaching new truths about health, discussing issues you have thought about - even issues you may not have thought about. Up For A Chat is not just facts, figures and status quo this podcast series is about thinking outside the square, doing things differently so that you can make a difference in your life, in your family’s life, and not become a sickness statistic mentally, emotionally and physically. And most importantly this trio of girls are a reminder that learning can be fun!!

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