Phil in the Blanks

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Phil in the Blanks

 4.3 via 15,156 ratings in Apple Podcasts, Podchaser and Podcast Addict
Data: Rephonic
A society & culture podcast from Dr. Phil McGraw

Experience a side of Dr. Phil McGraw you may have been missing as he provides critical information on some of the most important issues we face today. McGraw delves into the minds of the most exciting and accomplished people. From celebrities to ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, to the world’s leading experts, every guest and topic is provocative, informative, and relevant. For more information:

© Peteski Productions, Inc. 2024 · more infoArtwork and data is from the podcast’s open RSS feed; we link directly to audio · Read our DMCA procedure
Hosted on Megaphone and measured by Chartable, Podsights, Podtrac and Nielsen
This podcast may use tracking and attribution and dynamic content insertion

Stats: Statistics are produced by Megaphone, Chartable, Podsights and Podtrac to help Phil in the Blanks to understand how many downloads it is getting, or how many people are listening. Your device’s IP address and user agent is used to help calculate this figure. Megaphone and Podtrac are IAB v2 certified. Here is more detail about podcast statistics.

Tracking and attribution: Megaphone, Chartable, Podsights and Nielsen or their partners may connect the fact you listened to this podcast to an action elsewhere on the internet. For example - they may spot a device that downloaded an episode of Phil in the Blanks later visited the website of an advertiser; or they may track that a device that listened to Phil in the Blanks also listened to a different show. This form of attribution is used to measure advertising effectiveness.

Dynamic content insertion: Megaphone may use limited data that they know about you - the device you’re using, the approximate location you’re in, or other data that can be derived from this, like the current weather forecast for your area - to change parts of the audio. Phil in the Blanks may do this for advertising or for other forms of content, like news stories.

Phil in the Blanks is able to use the above tools since its podcast host or measurement company offers this service. It doesn’t mean that this individual podcast uses them, or has access to this functionality. We use open data.

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