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Garageland Radio

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Garageland Radio

 5.0 via 4 ratings in Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Data: Rephonic
A music podcast from GARAGELAND MEDIA

Garageland is a Southern California based project oriented towards making music and creative expression accessible to everyone. This platform aims to provide bands and artists who might not have the means to gain exposure through more traditional or costly channels a chance to promote their content and represent their art genuinely and freely

This show aims to feature and support underrepresented artists and bands, helping to provide a voice and a platform to share their work. This aligns with a broader commitment to diversity and representation within the arts.

Steven Jimenez, the creator of Garageland, emphasizes keeping the project free from commercial pressures. This includes not charging bands for featuring their work and maintaining a focus on the art rather than monetization.

The ethos of Garageland is deeply rooted in community support. This involves not just showcasing artists, but also fostering a sense of community among listeners and participants, and supporting local music scenes.

The project strives to present artists and their work authentically, without undue influence or alteration. The intention is to allow artists to express themselves in their own voice.

Garageland has a strong respect for the creativity and intellectual property of the artists featured.

The project avoids using artists’ work for personal fame or profit. The goal is to promote the artists, not the platform or its creator.

Garageland Radio’s ethics revolve around accessibility, support for underrepresented artists, community collaboration, authenticity, integrity, and respect for creative work, all within a non-commercial and artist-focused framework.

Garageland Radio on Instagram


© GARAGELAND MEDIA · more infoArtwork and data is from the podcast’s open RSS feed; we link directly to audio · Read our DMCA procedure
Spotify for Creators
Hosted on Spotify for Creators
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Garageland Radio is able to use the above tools since its podcast host or measurement company offers this service. It doesn’t mean that this individual podcast uses them, or has access to this functionality. We use open data.

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