MintPress News
Mint Press News (MPN) is an independent online magazine that delivers in-depth, thought provoking analysis, reporting and political commentary on the most pressing issues facing our world.
MPN has developed an impressive masthead of journalists, former and current academics, and political experts, who provide context and insight into issues and stories often overlooked by the mainstream media.
In a headline news driven industry, MPN provides readers with an innovative form of journalism that cover long form articles and analyses that combine the “who, what, when, where, and why,” with information on how issues relate to democracy, human rights and government — giving context to the issues we cover and empowering our readers.
Our critical analyses give readers an alternative perspective on the issues that really matter — without the partisanship that plagues today’s news media. At MPN, we don’t shy away from the stories that are ignored, silenced or simply overlooked by the current corporate sponsored media establishment.
MPN is comprised of a team of editors, staff writers, reporters, national and international correspondents, and contributors with extensive backgrounds in political science and international relations. Our masthead includes, but is not limited to, veteran journalists, veteran war correspondents, grassroots leaders, peace activists, political analysts, world renowned authors, academics, and specialists.
Mint Press News believes that news media has a social obligation in keeping people informed on subjects that directly and indirectly influence people now and in the future.
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