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Creating Abundance

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Creating Abundance

A religion & spirituality and health & fitness podcast from Alana Cahoon

Welcome to “Creating Abundance”! I’m Alana Cahoon, your host, and I’ve dedicated a significant portion of my life to personal and professional growth, creativity, spirituality, and holistic well-being. In my mid-twenties, I found myself alone in the bustling city of NYC but was determined to make it on my own. Throughout those challenging years, I persevered, acquiring leadership skills and honing my abilities as a mystic intuitive. Inspirational figures like Louise Hayes and Shakti Gwain became my role models, driving me to share the tools that lifted me up and guided me forward with you.

On this podcast, I interview experts in various fields, offering inspiring stories, practical advice, and insights on transforming adversity into valuable opportunities. Whether you’re striving to overcome challenges, enhance relationships, or simply seek more meaning and purpose in your life, this show will equip you with a rich treasure of tools and strategies to attain your goals while tapping into your inner wisdom. You’ll uncover the secrets to manifesting abundant health, wealth, and happiness in your daily life.

If this resonates with you, please consider rating, reviewing, and subscribing. Remember, the power to change your thoughts lies within you.

A bit more about me: I’m the founder of Grow 2 B U, LLC, with a mission to guide individuals on their journey of self-discovery, personal and professional growth, and conscious leadership. My unique ability to tune into your truth enables me to identify the obstacles hindering your dream life. I’m not only a professional singer and energy healer but also a mystic intuitive and a former program director for an award-winning technology business incubator.

# manifesting #meditation #lawofattraction #entrepreneurship #mindfulness #businessgrowth #happiness #wealth #yoga #intuition #shamanism #buddhism #creativity #thinkandgrowrich

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