Rachel Fulginiti's family
Aurelia D'Amore

From Foster to Forever features real stories of nontraditional families born through foster-to-adopt

Press Release · Poughkeepsie, NY, USA ·

From Foster to Forever, a new podcast dedicated to educating and inspiring people about the foster-to-adopt journey, is proud to announce the launch of its first season, which highlights eight foster-to-adopt success stories. With a mission to shed light on the challenges and triumphs within the foster care and adoption process, the podcast aims to empower and inspire individuals and families considering or currently navigating the foster-to-adopt path.

Pictured above with her family, voice actor Rachel Fulginiti, a two-time foster-adopt mom, foster-to-adopt advocate and award-winning audiobook narrator, brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a passion for helping others. Each episode features engaging interviews with others who have walked this road and successfully adopted through the US foster care system.

The series covers a diverse range of topics, including:

  • Overcoming Challenges: Personal stories of resilience and perseverance in the face of obstacles and loss.
  • Navigating the System: Insightful discussions on the foster care and adoption processes, providing practical advice for prospective parents.
  • Support and Resources: Highlighting available resources, support networks, and organizations dedicated to fostering and adoption.
  • Topics such as being an older parent, adopting an older child, safe surrender babies, children with special needs and challenges, reunification with birth families, transracial adoption and same-sex marriage adoption.
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“We are excited to launch this podcast series as a platform to share stories, provide valuable information, and create a sense of community for those navigating or curious about the foster-to-adopt journey,” said Rachel Fulginiti, host of From Foster to Forever. "I wish I’d had access to this kind of insight when I was going through it.”


From Foster to Forever
Rachel Fulginiti
Play trailer

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