Ramit Sethi's Money for Couples is released as a book
Through his Netflix show, bestselling book, and popular podcast, Ramit Sethi has taught a generation how to earn more, save more, and design their Rich Lives. Now, in his hotly anticipated new book, he tackles the hottest money issue of all: money in relationships.
Sethi’s MONEY FOR COUPLES: NO MORE STRESS. NO MORE FIGHTS. JUST A 10-STEP PLAN TO CREATE YOUR RICH LIFE TOGETHER. (Paperback Original / December 31, 2024; $19.99) gives readers a clear path toward aligning about money, including how to stop fighting, start building a financial vision together, and even how to spend money extravagantly on the things you love.
Sethi’s advice works even if you see money differently than your partner, even if you’re debt, and even if one partner avoids money altogether.
With easy starter scripts to jumpstart conversations, specific numbers to benchmark your spending against, and instructions for merging your accounts to make your finances automatically flow, couples of all financial backgrounds can define their vision for a Rich Life and establish a plan to achieve it.
Writing in a conversational tone—no confusing jargon here!—Sethi arms couples with prompts and exercises that help them:
- Understand the 4 Money Types, giving you a deeper understanding of why you—and your partner—behave the way you do with your finances.
- Have their first positive money conversation, as well as a regular monthly financial check-in
- Learn how to understand your “invisible scripts,” the invisible beliefs about money you inherited from your family.
- Develop a Conscious Spending Plan (CSP), which eliminates the need for painful budgeting and lets you focus on four key numbers. That’s it!
- Pay Off Debt in Three Steps: You can live a Rich Life even with debt. Readers will learn how to set-up a debt-payoff plan, automate it, and still enjoy life right now.
- Identify individual Money Dials—that is, your “yes” and “less” dials—the items you love to spend money on and those that you’re willing to spend lesson. This allows for spending extravagantly on the things that we love and cutting back mercilessly on the things we don’t.
- Teach your children how to have a healthy relationship with money . . . and so much more.
Packed with relatable, compelling, and sometimes counterintuitive real-world stories—drawn from thousands of hours of conversations with couples, his social media followers, and his own marriage—the book explores common dynamics, answers many of the universal questions that keep us awake at night, and shares helpful money-planning templates. The book even includes a bonus chapter with Sethi’s personal rules on everything: from prenups and credit cards to car buying and financial advisors. Readers build confidence through competence as they improve their ability to communicate about money in their relationship.
MONEY FOR COUPLES gives partners practical strategies for recalibrating their relationship with money— and each other—so that they can shift from defense to offense. Sethi offers readers a plan with proven results: transform dread and fear around talking about money with a highly effective 10-step system to live a Rich Life, together.
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