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The Terrifying Lies Podcast Launches its Second Season

The Terrifying Lies Podcast Launches its Second Season

Press Release · Kaysville, UT, USA ·

This article is at least a year old

Terrifying Lies, a podcast produced by writer and musician Craig Nybo, launched its second season in January 2023 with a three-part weird western tale that pits an apocalyptic cowboy and young girl against a ruined town full of demons.

The fiction podcast features an anthology of genre stories, sometimes scary, sometimes humorous. Each episode of the Terrifying Lies Podcast ends with an original song composed by the author.

“I want to give people a break from the complexity and difficulty of life,” said Craig Nybo, podcast producer. “I think of listeners as my friends. I ask myself, ‘what do my friends want this week?’ and I go from there.”

Terrifying Lies episodes run for about 30 minutes. Nybo performs the stories and amps up the narrative with original musical soundtracks and sound production to pull listeners into the action.

Past episodes of Terrifying Lies feature such oddities as a plumber who discovers a trans-dimensional universe under an older woman’s sink, a traveling steampunk electric chair show, a trucker who gets captured by a gang of children in a big box store during the zombie apocalypse, and more.

Terrifying Lies releases episodes every first and third Friday of the month at high noon. Each season runs for 13 episodes.


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