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Anchor's tools make it easy to copy podcasts

Anchor's tools make it easy to copy podcasts

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This article is at least a year old

  • Fireside has added yearly billing. Customers who pay for a year in advance get a free month.

  • iHeartRadio’s Black Effect Podcast Network has hired TV veteran Dollie S Bishop.

  • Conan O’Brien’s Team Coco has signed a deal to produce exclusive podcasts for Audible.

  • MakeUseOf reviews the Maonocaster AU-AM100 all-in-one podcast production studio.

  • Apple are still looking for Podcasts Managers for Russia, France and Germany. The roles were advertised in late August, but haven’t, yet, been filled.

    Aug 28 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • Congratulations to Blubrry CEO Todd Cochrane, for whom yesterday was the 16th anniversary of becoming a podcaster. “It all started in Waco, Texas in a Hampton Inn hotel room. Sounds like the start of a scary movie,” he says. Cochrane wrote Podcasting: Do-It-Yourself Guide in early 2005, before podcasts had even made it to the Apple iPod. (There’s currently one still available at Amazon - or Todd has six in a cupboard, according to a recent podcast).

Tips and tricks - with True Crime Reporter from PAR

Podcast News - with cabana

    The Trip
    Play trailerFrom cabana: Join journalist Nathan Thornburgh for drinks with exceptional people from around the world. The Trip is a travel show that combines local perspectives, deep storytelling, and honest conversations that only happen when friends share a bottle.
    This Is Branchburg
    Play trailerAdult Swim has acquired the popular This Is Branchburg, and launched a second season. It’s a weekly scripted podcast about the bizarre residents of Branchburg, a fictionalized version of the real Branchburg, New Jersey.
    Vinyl Cafe
    The Vinyl Cafe gets a positive review in Podcast Review - a compilation of a well-loved radio broadcast focusing on storytelling from across Canada.
    Play trailerSports broadcaster Grant Napear has returned on a podcast. If You Don’t Like That is new from the Sacramento-based talk show host, from Hear Me Now Studio.
    The Hopeful
    Play trailerThe Hopeful is a father’s story, told by his daughter, of an escape from Iran during the revolution, life-risking flight to Europe and thrilling escape to Canada as a refugee. It’s part legend, part adventure and a powerful example of the stories every immigrant and refugee brings with them to their new country. It’s new from Rogers Media’s Frequency Podcast Network.
    Build Brand You
    Play trailerVerizon Media in Australia and New Zealand has produced Build Brand You, “a timely and practical guide to help listeners adapt and flourish at home and in the workplace”. The podcasts are an adaptation of the company’s masterclasses.

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