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Dan Taberski with a big purple award

Apple’s show of 2024 is Hysterical

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  • Dan Taberski’s Hysterical, from Wondery and Audacy’s Pineapple Street Studios, has been named the Apple Podcasts 2024 Show of the Year. There’s a special interview with Dan on Apple’s website, talking about how he makes the show, which is about cases of mass hysteria throughout history and what they say about society. It’s also available ad-free in Wondery+.

  • Mpls.St.Paul Magazine is excited: “One of the most influential executives in podcasting lives in Minneapolis.” Jessica Cordova Kramer manages to get a shout-out to Podnews in the middle of this interview - extra points! (She will also be a guest on the Podnews Weekly Review shortly, too).

  • Spotify’s Chartable stops working on Dec 12 - if you’re using the Chartable prefix ( or in your RSS feed, your podcast may no longer be playable after that date. In research earlier this week, which we shared with affected podcast hosts, Podnews found 31,749 shows with the prefix still in it. Most podcast hosts are working to help customers.

    • Publishers using Spotify’s Megaphone will be unaffected.
    • It’s long been known that if podcasters change the enclosure URL, like removing the Chartable prefix, that triggers an automatic re-download on each listener’s Spotify app for every affected episode. Expect, therefore, significantly higher Spotify download numbers over the next few weeks as creators remove the Chartable prefix - and knock-on effects with ad serving.

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Judges for Podcasts this include: Adam Pincus, CEO, Best Case Studio, LeVar Burton, Actor, Podcaster, and TV Host, Ashley Flowers, Founder & CCO, Audiochuck and Host, Crime Junkie Podcast, Jay Shetty, Host, On Purpose, Jen Sargent, CEO, Wondery, and Rory Brown, Chief Brand Officer, Patreon

Don’t miss your chance, enter the 29th Annual Webby Awards by the Final Entry Deadline on Friday, December 20th, 2024!

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Podcast News - with Becoming You

    Served with Andy Roddick
    Play trailerServed with Andy Roddick is to join Vox Media. Vox Media will assume sales, marketing and distribution duties for the show, which publishes weekly on Tuesdays on podcast and video platforms, and partner with the Served team on expanding their live event business.
    Podcast But Outside
    Play trailerExclusive: Since 2019, Andrew Michaan and Cole Hersch have set up their folding table and microphones for Podcast But Outside - interviewing strangers and celebrities alike, all for a guest fee of $1. The show today moves to comedy podcast network Headgum, which has had quite the acquisition spree recently. We also hear that Cole is to leave the show - today’s new episode is his last.
    Me And My Tiny Human
    Play trailerEver wondered if having a baby on your own would leave you with enough brain power to string a sentence together? New today, you can find out in Me And My Tiny Human: as solo mum by choice, Rachel Corbett shares the highs, the lows and the “How the hell am I actually managing to do this?” reality of solo parenting.
    The Oprah Podcast
    Play trailerThe Oprah Podcast is a new weekly podcast from Oprah Winfrey this week, with “today’s foremost thought leaders, global newsmakers, best-selling authors, visionaries and cultural changemakers”. The show, sponsored by Starbucks, kicks off with Claire Keegan, the author of Small Things Like These. It’ll be filmed in Starbucks cafés.

Companies mentioned above:
Acast logoAcastApple logoAppleApple Podcasts logoApple PodcastsAusha logoAushaChartable logoChartableHeadgum logoHeadgumMegaphone logoMegaphonePineapple Street Studios logoPineapple Street StudiosSpotify logoSpotifyThe Webby Awards logoThe Webby AwardsVeritonic logoVeritonicVox Media logoVox MediaWondery logoWondery

Podcast data for Dec 4

#1 in Apple Podcasts
US flag Deadly Mirage (NBC News)
IE flag The Rest Is Classified (Goalhanger)

#1 in Spotify
US flag The Joe Rogan Experience (Joe Rogan)
IE flag Crime World (Sunday World)

Over the last week, 193,387 podcasts published at least one new episode (down 4.2%). source


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