How many new shows in 2021?
This article is at least a year old
Spotify says that it added 1.2m new podcasts to Spotify’s catalogue in 2021. “Anchor continues to drive 80% of the new podcasts being published to Spotify every year”, the company says.
Meanwhile, Daniel J Lewis’s Podcast Industry Insights suggests Apple Podcasts has grown by half that: just 570,000 new shows. There’s a big slow-down in June when Anchor stopped automatically adding shows to Apple Podcasts. Only 17,000 new shows have been added in December; 81,900 were added in December 2020.
Podcast Index added 466,000 shows in the past six months. It added 3.1m this year, but that’s not that surprising, given the index launched in September 2020. Unlike the above two, shows are mainly added automatically: either discovered from open RSS feeds or submitted by podcasters or others.
Podcast Review, from the Los Angeles Review of Books, has posted its ten best podcasts of 2021, with S***hole Country given the #1 crown. In Vulture, Nick Quah has also published his Best Podcasts of 2021 list, as judged by 150 creators, producers and hosts: Maintenance Phase “was, by far, the podcast that earned the most votes in the survey.”
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Companies mentioned above:Anchor
Apple Podcasts