Inside the Player FM redesign
This article is at least a year old
Exclusive: Popular podcast app Player FM has undergone a redesign, incorporating more prominent access to video podcasts, larger podcast cover art, and playlist creation. We asked the Player FM team what they’d done, and how podcasters can help.
Our Editor asked Spotify for all his personal data, to discover Spotify knows what kind of car he drives, and what length podcast he prefers - and why Spotify will never know as much as Apple or Google.
- Meanwhile, 9to5Mac says Spotify falls short as a podcast app. (Hasn’t stopped it from being #1 in many markets, though).
Challenges of measurement and the limitations of host-read ads were the subject of discussion at the IAB Podcast Upfronts, according to Digiday.
Boomcaster is a recently-launched remote recording tool that also livestreams to YouTube and Facebook.
The Australian Podcast Awards has announced new partners and their judging lineup. Acast is the headline partner and LiSTNR is gold partner. (Podnews is also a partner.)
The Tech Stuff - with RSS․com
Dave Jackson has released a new episode of Leading the Bleeding, an edit of a Zoom meeting last week. He’s also made a video, Enabling Your Podcast To Receive Bitcoin, describing how he set the show up for value4value - a way to earn cryptocurrency from your listeners.
Sep 7 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive. -
As part of Dave’s Zoom meeting, we foolishly promised to make a podcast search engine that only shows value4value-enabled podcasts . So we did.
Earnt satoshis with your podcast? Want to spend that in the real world? Moon lets you transfer sats into a single-use VISA card, to pay for stuff online. (It seems US only for now). Another alternative is Bitrefill.
Podcast hosting solution JustCast now supports value4value and soundbites.
A(nother) fancy graph showing how the lightning network, which enables value4value, is connected.
Tips and tricks
The aim with podcasting is to help people, not to grow large, says a three-year podcaster.
Here’s how microphones actually work.
Podcast News

Companies mentioned above:Acast
Australian Podcast Awards
Player FM