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One person retaining the hand of another
Jason Leung

Listener retention to be important in 2025

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  • From the archives: While we’re at it (and not at all related to needing a minimum of four stories or the newsletter breaks), should you be making MP3 or AAC files? We didn’t mention DAI in the article, and we probably should, but another reason why AAC files aren’t used much is that neither Spotify or Deezer accept them.

Thank you to Jeremie Mani who has become our latest personal supporter. Jeremie is behind the Podcasthon charity event in March, which you can take part in. Supporters like Jeremie pay for Podnews for everyone - if it’s your new year’s resolution to support journalism, then here’s where you can support us

Tips and tricks - with Pod Predictor by Coleman Insights

Podcast News - with Airwave

    Happy Forgetting
    Play trailerNew on Airwave: Happy Forgetting is an anthology about the racial justice histories we remember, the ones we forget, what we deny and what we bury - and why those stories must be retold. Hosted by journalist Ruxandra Guidi, with stories from Yohance Lacour (You Didn’t See Nothin) and John Biewen (Scene on Radio) and others.
    The Binge Crimes: Deadly Fortune
    Play trailerThe Binge Crimes: Deadly Fortune is new today, and explores the saga of the Atlanta attorney Tex McIver. On a drive home in 2016, while a family friend was driving the car, Tex shot his wife - who left behind a fortune with no clear recipient. Tex is now set to be released from prison; and guess who might inherit his wife’s fortune and estate? It’s from Sony Music Entertainment.

Companies mentioned above:
Acast logoAcastAirwave logoAirwaveApple logoAppleBuzzsprout logoBuzzsproutNPR logoNPRSony Music Entertainment logoSony Music EntertainmentSpotify logoSpotifyYouTube logoYouTube

Podcast data for Jan 2

#1 in Apple Podcasts
US flag The Rosary in a Year (with Fr. Mark-Mary Ames) (Ascension)
AU flag The Telepathy Tapes (Ky Dickens)

#1 in Spotify
US flag The Telepathy Tapes (Ky Dickens)
AU flag The Telepathy Tapes (Ky Dickens)

Over the last week, 143,298 podcasts published at least one new episode (down 9.1%). source


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