An interview with Spotify’s Maya Prohovnik
Exclusive: What’s the future of podcasting in Spotify? Is video necessary for every show? Why is Spotify so successful? And how important is open RSS to Spotify? We had questions for Spotify’s VP of Podcast Product, Maya Prohovnik; and she had answers.
- Her interview with us coincides with a new release of Spotify’s Fan Study, which focuses on video podcasts.
There’s a bug in Apple Podcasts in iOS 18, which is marking shows as “played” when the user hasn’t, actually, played them.
- Apple Podcasts tells Podnews that the company is aware of the issue; there’s a fix coming in iOS 18.1.
Axios has noticed the podcast capability in Google’s NotebookLM. It ends: “Anthropomorphic tech will always wow us — for a time, at least. But these tricks quickly become first mundane and eventually dull and passé.” The tool now works with YouTube videos.
One in three Spotify users in Spain are listening to podcasts, says new data from the company shared at a recent Madrid event called Next in Podcast. Nine out of ten users of video podcasts watch them in the foreground, says the data.
Wondercraft now allows you to direct its AI voices, letting you change the voice’s accent, tone, and even merge voices together.
Podcast app Overhaul FM is the latest to support creator-made podcast transcripts, using open RSS. The company has communicated “the good, the bad and the ugly” as an update to users. “Creating a podcast app is not easy,” the developers say.
Sports podcast company BlueWire is partnering with NFL website The 33rd Team, adding a further eleven podcasts to the network.
Tips and tricks - with Memberful
From the archives: Pacific Content shares How to make amazing podcast artwork.
Podcastle post How to Get a Transcript of a YouTube Video (the Simple Way) - copy and paste is your friend, if you know how!
Podcast News

Companies mentioned above:Acast
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Pacific Content
Podcast data for Oct 4
#1 in Apple Podcasts The Ramsey Show (Ramsey Network)
コジ10 小島秀夫の「最高の10分間にしよう」 (TBS RADIO)
#1 in Spotify Shawn Ryan Show (Shawn Ryan)
Liner Voice+ Number_i 『No.Ⅰ』 (Spotify Collection)
Over the last week, 201,012 podcasts published at least one new episode (down 0.1%). source
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