Spotify's podcast problem: bootlegs

Spotify's podcast problem: bootlegs

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This article is at least a year old

Variety highlights what they call Spotify’s Podcasting Problem: people using podcasts on Spotify to post bootlegged versions of songs. The 'podcasts’ that they highlight, like “Instagram @xricardol.tx” or “Jocelyn Flores - but you’re in a bathroom at a party”, both appear to have been hosted on Spreaker - the latter still is. Spreaker offers a free plan.

This link is no longer available, as at Aug 30 2023
  • “The embarrassing secret for many corporate podcasters is how few downloads they receive,” says the UK’s Matt Deegan in a blog post, adding that “generating an audience of more than 35k downloads per episode puts you in the top 1% of all podcasts”.

  • “Committed to a future where audio fiction producers can make a good living telling their stories”, Fable and Folly have announced new represented shows for 2021. They’ve been sponsoring our Podcast News section this month, highlighting some of their current shows.

  • Sounder has published its 2020 Podcast Playlist, highlighting podcasters on the platform.

  • TechCrunch has covered Podpage, a “quick and clever tool” to help you make an instant homepage for your podcast. They’re sponsoring our Tips & Tricks section currently, though we’d have linked to this glowing review anyway.

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  • An amusing press release from Superhuman Public Radio, announcing a new logo, is the result of a request from NPR, we learn. The co-executive producers of SPR tell us: “NPR asked us to change our logo, which we did. We are just thrilled that after debuting just a month and a half ago we can count them among our listeners. We have nothing but admiration for NPR. Having their staff among our fans is a big win for us. Our exchanges with them have only confirmed our suspicion that we have something special on our hands.”

    Aug 30 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.

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