Stay Tuned for a new Vox Media acquisition
This article is at least a year old
Vox Media is to buy Cafe Studios Inc, founded by former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara (above) and his brother Vinit Bharara. It publishes a slate of shows including Stay Tuned with Preet. No terms were given.
Amplifi Media, working with Podnews, has looked at the 36% of podcasts with ten or more episodes. 156,000 podcasts have more than ten episodes and were updated in the past week: an impressively high figure, says CEO Steven Goldstein.
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Sometimes, we get given news with an embargo for 8am ET. We’ve got some news like that today. We’ll tweet it.
Audioboom’s latest financial results are profiled by The Guardian. They made a $1.7m loss on $26.8m revenue - losses halved, revenue was a record high.
The Ambies will announce the recipient of their inaugural Governors Award later today - recognising a podcast or individual for the compelling impact they’ve had on the industry.
Podpage has added full site search for their Pro websites.
ARN Neuro Lab research suggests there are distinct differences in how effective advertising is in podcasting and radio. “Radio showed the strongest ability to engage listeners and for extended periods of time, racking up 60 per cent more neural engagement than other audio formats. Podcasts, meanwhile, were found to provide an environment that lends itself to higher levels of memory encoding,” says the research, paid-for by an Australian radio broadcaster which also operates the iHeartPodcast Network Australia.
1.3m scraped user records from Clubhouse have been 'leaked online’. Clubhouse say it’s all public information anyway, 'which anyone can access’.
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Médiamétrie report a 21% increase in podcast downloads in France in March. Measuring participating publishers only, Le Pod report that the shows are mostly radio replays.
The French podcast industry maps out like this according to CosaVostra.
- Here’s the global podcast industry 'podscape’, from Magellan AI and Sounds Profitable. It was last updated on March 29th.
Thank you to Amaeya Media, the UAE’s largest podcast network, for returning as a gold supporter. Founded in 2017, the company has sixteeen shows and produces a number of pieces of research into the market. Like all our Patreon supporters, they support us and allow our journalism to be independent.
The Tech Stuff - with RSS․com
- Value4Value is accelerating fast, according to Adam Curry: “In the first week of April 2021, podcasters received 22,491 payments from listeners. That’s 22,491 payments to developers as well.” - in case you wondered, that’s 1.8million sats per day flowing to podcasters and app developers already. Here’s how to earn Bitcoin from your podcast.
- Plink has switched to using Podcast Index as its main source of podcast data, after a series of outages with the Apple Podcasts API.
- Podnews podcast pages now show
tags, like this example of No Agenda. New builds of these pages no longer use any third-party code or analytics. - Podcast Index now has 2.7m shows in its index. Many shows aren’t listed in Apple Podcasts, it turns out.
Tips and tricks - with Podcast Day 24
Craig D Brown knows why your podcast is terrible. Speak for yourself, Craig.
How to Help Listeners Find Your Show looks at SEO for podcasting. One tip Captivate gives is how to discover what keywords people are searching for to find your podcast.
This link is no longer available, as at Sep 2 2023
Podcast News

Companies mentioned above:Apple
Apple Podcasts
Cafe Studios
Magellan AI
Podcast Index
Sounds Profitable
Vox Media