Why do we call it a 'podcast'?
This article is at least a year old
Who invented the word 'podcast’? Who made the term popular? Who used the word 'podcast’ first in… a podcast? Our history of the word 'podcast’ contains audio, quotes, and a full timeline.
“'Ere! He says he’s not dead!” - after announcing it was to close after allegations of deceptive conduct, Ozy Media CEO Carlos Watson has told NBC that it isn’t going to close after all. The company produces a number of podcasts.
Sep 7 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive. -
Jamit calls itself a new social audio platform that’s the BET of podcasts, inspired by the Apple Podcasts chart being “dominated by shows featuring white hosts”. It launches into public beta today in Lagos, Nigeria.
Music streaming platform Deezer has acquired a stake in Driift, a live-streaming company.
Jonathan Charak has been appointed as Libsyn’s new Chief Financial Officer. He replaces Richard Heyse, who resigned in May.
This link is no longer available, as at Sep 7 2023 -
UK media expert Matt Deegan takes a look at the Apple Podcast Subscriptions chart that we published last week. He suggests it “demonstrates that the subscription functionality is just not being used that much at the moment - by content creators or consumers”: and one reason why, he suggests, is that subscriptions are proprietary to each platform.
Thank you to Libsyn, and Libsyn’s AdvertiseCast, for becoming gold supporters of Podnews today. For 17 years, Libsyn has been helping podcasters reach audiences everywhere: it’s great to have your support for our independent journalism. You can support us too.
Tips and tricks - with Muck Rack's State of Podcasting Survey
Why your podcast needs a trademark, a piece by an IP lawyer, notes the existence of common law protection.
If you’re asking your listeners to do something, here are ways to create a compelling call to action, according to Jared Easley.
Podcast News

Companies mentioned above:Acast
Apple Podcasts