Behind the world's largest women's podcast network, Lore, Helen Zaltzman, Roman Mars, and Audible

· 1.5 minutes to read

This article is at least a year old

  • Interview with Kylie Rogers, MD of women’s website Mamamia, who claim the world’s largest women’s podcast network.

  • Forbes interviews the man behind the Lore podcast, Aaron Mahnke. (Multi-page article; the meat starts on page 2). “I always tell podcasters to use as many streams as possible. Many streams make a river. Don’t just sell ads on your show. Don’t just sell T-shirts. Don’t just do crowdfunding. Do all of it.”

  • Another day, another podcast network: this one called The Roost. “A podcasting network that offers creators numerous different ways to make money, including ads on their podcasts; designing, selling and shipping merchandise; booking and producing live events; and even licensing opportunities.” See above.

  • Good overview of Radiodays Europe’s Podcast Day: some good speakers. Interesting take-out from the BBC: “The biggest times we see for listening to podcasts is around 9, 10 o clock at night.”

  • Interview with Roman Mars about “What Trump Can Teach Us About Con(stitutional) Law”. “When a new episode of 99 [Percent Invisible] goes out, we do 400,000 to 600,000 thousand in the first 12 hours.”

  • Get the free Podnews newsletter for more like this

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  • Interesting-looking thing - promises a social interface for podcasts. Still not quite sure what it is: but adding automated speech recognition to podcasts seems a no-brainer.

  • If you use Cloudflare on your website, and host your podcasting from it, be aware of the pitfalls. (podnews uses Amazon Cloudfront; sister site uses Cloudflare).

  • Interview with Eric Nuzum from Audible, on (Australian) ABC Radio National.

  • Podcasting reaches 10% of people in Australia.

  • Interview with Helen Zaltzman, off of The Allusionist and Answer me this. Lots of geeky details about the equipment she uses to edit.

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